March 11, 2009

Greetings From Sunny South Beach!

Hey all you Wizdum-ites!

The latest to report from Wizdum's new headquarters in South Beach, Miami (other than the weather being great!) is: spirits are high throughout the office and we are super excited to let you know that our website is going through a major upgrade and you should start to see the results in a month or two. (I wish it could be ready tomorrow, but apparently these things take time *psssha*)

Also, we are very close to releasing our newest line of spring T's and we are actually going to need your help in choosing which designs to go with!  It's a call to action... Get ready.  I will be sure to inform you of when, but stay tuned to this blog, and also our facebook group where all the images will be posted and votes tallied.  We have about 8 designs that we want to widdle down to 4.  So the 4 shirts that get the most votes will go into production, cool eh?  As an incentive, anyone who guesses the 4 that end up being chosen, in the correct order (most votes, 2nd most, 3rd, 4th... like dat) will get a free Wizdum T!!! Woot! Woot!  

So if you haven't already, join our facebook group, 'i luv my Wizdum', and we can get rockin'!

Peace out homies,


February 24, 2009

Shaking Things Up.

Hey Peeps...

Hope you are all fab-o-lous!  Yes, I really do.  Really.
Things are kicking into (higher) gear here over at WWHQ (Wizdum World Headquarters) and I am getting set to relocate to sunny South Beach for most of '09.  I am very excited and very ready to say 'goodbye' to this snow that never seems to end.  But I'll be back soon, you know I love my T-Dot too much to stay away.

I recently had the pleasure of coming across a wonderful blog written by talented artist, Miss Laura Di Poce (check out if you haven't already) which you can read here:

... I think she's onto something, hehe.  Well, I think she's onto a couple of things 'cause her artwork is, how-do-you-say, da bomb!

Keep an ear to the ground and one eye up for Wizdum...



January 19, 2009

Let's Shine in '09!

Happy New Year everyone...

I have to say, I have a great feeling about this year.  I know if you are like me and live in Toronto, you are probably buried in the snow right about now and happy to have electricity and heating in your homes!  Madness...

To all the loyal Wizdum-ites out there, I want to thank you from the bottom of my rib cage for making this past holiday season a successful one for Wizdum.  We have sold out of a couple of styles of T's, we have had a couple of very successful holiday sales and interest in the brand continues to grow.  It's all feeling very good.  Much love back at ya!

As for what's next... Well Wizdum will be hitting the U.S. market, as we are opening up an office in Miami this spring; fresh, new styles will begin production next month; and I have big, bad plans for our webspace.  It's good.

Don't be a stranger.
Stay tuned for what's next...


November 10, 2008

Wizdum Hits the Stores!

Happy first snow-fall everyone... (well, in Toronto that is)

Just like the leaves, the world outside seems to be changing.  Changing into a much better, happier and more positive place.  Congratulations to Barak Obama for defeating the Republicans last week and sparking the joy that was lost in so many people!

See what positivity can do?!  I love it.  I'm so happy to be a part of... well... everything right now.  I can feel a shift happening in the air!

To add to the good things happening in the world, I am happy to report that Wizdum has officially made it to store racks.  You can now browse, touch and even try on the latest and greatest in Wizdum gear down at Article 8, located in Toronto at 714 College St. West.  Article 8 is an absolutely fantastically cool shop (for those who are unaware) run by a fantastically cool fella' named Jeremy, you should pop in and say "Hi" sometime.

For those not in the Toronto area, web store shopping is also up and running now.  Woo hoo!  Get your gear ordered in time for the holidays!!!

Don't be a stranger...


P.S.  For those of you who don't know the cat sitting on the box of Wizdum gear... Well that's Mynx.  Mynx use to be the Vice President of Wizdum but was fired due to her alcohol abuse.  She has a hard time letting go of the company, as you can see.

October 27, 2008

Colourful, Crispy Creepiness...

So the leaves are of colours so beautiful, the air so crisp and clean... and Halloween is only 4 days away!!

What is everyone getting up to this weekend?  As for me and my crew, we will be hitting up the downtown Tee-Dot core all costumed up and ready for action.  So if you run into an evil Mariachi band this upcoming Friday... Watch out!

In other Wizdum news, the fall/winter line has been selling really well, and for those of you who are not in the Toronto area, I promise that online ordering is about to get a whole heck of a lot easier within the next week or so.  We are working on the finishing touches to our online web store and I know you are gonna love it!

I hope all is well in your world too... Don't be a stranger.


October 4, 2008

Wizdum Updates!

Greetings all!

As you are aware, last week was the Fall Clothing Show here in Toronto and it was great!  It was my first real trade show and I was a little nervous, but people really responded well to Wizdum which is uber-cool.

The momentum is building slowly but surely for Wizdum and we have so many events coming up in the next couple of months that you are sure to spot us... I also sense that we are veeeeeeeery close to being picked up by a couple of cool shops here in the Tee Dot, so getting your gear will get easier.  In addition to being in a couple of cool shops in the Tee Dot, Wizdum's official online shop will be dropping within the next week, so getting your gear will get even easier still!

Thanks for all the help and support to those peeps who came out to help me build, tear down and work my booth at the show... I owe 'uze' ones.

Keep positive out there, spread some smiles around!


September 22, 2008

The Excitement Continues

G'day all!

There is a late burst of summer sunshine in Toronto today and I have to say, it's great!  The summer officially turns to fall here in less than an hour, but we can fight it a bit longer don't you think?

Continuing on with the theme of my last blog, there have been more international Wizdum sightings.  This time in Paris, France.  Wooo!  Keep sending me those pics of you and your friends in your Wizdum gear anywhere in the world and I'll get them posted onto the blog, promise!

In other news, I want to let everyone know that this weekend, September 26, 27, 28th Wizdum Designs Inc. will be inhabiting booth #221 at 'The Clothing Show'.  For those who have never been, The Clothing Show is a great platform for local, indie designers to showcase their wares and it's the best place to find the coolest upcoming labels and brands (A-hem, a-hem).  This season the show is happening at 'The Better Living Building' at the CNE.  The hours are on Friday: 3-9, Saturday: 11-9, Sunday: 11-7.  I'd make it down if I were you... You are going to love the new Wizdum stuff for fall/winter.

Enjoy the sun!
